
Friday, August 12, 2011

Sheboygan Falls Vacation 2011

Good evening everyone,

Our newest entry comes to you from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I know what you are saying "Sheboygan, where?" We found this town a few years back, and have been wanting to go back. So we highjacked my mother, and took along Baby Gwen to the Blue Harbor Resort, Conference Center and Water Park. So please take a few minutes and join us on our vacation, as we document us doing nothing, and having all day to do it in.

Here we have Blue Harbor Resort. Victorian style resort just a few hundred feet off of Lake Michigan. We had a lake view room, and the view was incredible.

I love this picture, so timeless. If it wasn't in color, you'd think it was taken many years ago.

I was just having some fun with this picture. I had just finished taking pictures of Nikki, Gwen, and Grandma Helen, and was walking back to check out when this picture just jumped out at me. I took dozens of pictures of Blue Harbor, we're going to have some fun with textures and colors. Stay tuned for some of Nikki's future creations.
Yep that is me in the Hawaiian shirt. When I'm on vacation, that is my outfit of choice. This is also a rare picture of me out from behind the picture, but I couldn't resist taking Gwen for a walk to the lake.

Sunset on the first day at Blue Harbor. A great view, and a great end to the start of the vacation.

Here we have the entrance to Blue Harbor. Flowers and sculptures surrounded the entrance. T

These wooden chairs were set all along the walk way and board walk by Lake Michigan. It was so relaxing just to sit in the chairs and let time slip by. I just wish I could have spent more time, but I was too busy doing nothing with the family. I'll take that trade off.

Nikki was in charge of the camera during this time. I was just having too much fun walking in the water holding Gwen listening to her squeal as each wave came in and washed over my legs. You could tell it was me because of the Hawaiian shirt. I had plenty on the trip, never wore one more than once.

I had just bought these at the water park's gift shop, and was surprised at how much she liked them. The crocs had some decoration on them, a Butterfly for Gwen, and a Daisy for Nikki.

Another one of my favorite pictures from this trip, if not the last couple of years. I think I might blow this one up poster size. We look like we are in a add campaign, what good looking models.

I almost fell off the pier running to get this picture. While running down the pier, I was thinking I was pretty out of shape, but the experience was worth it. We always liked lighthouses, so we enjoyed the view of this one from all over the resort.

Grandma Helen and Gwen out on the sand behind the resort. That was one thing that was nice about the resort, there were so many walk ways and places to go and relax, and just play.

Nikki catches Gwen enjoying the sand. We can't wait till the next time we go up there, so Gwen can get a chance to build a sand castle by the water. Hopefully next summer we'll get a chance to do that.

Another cute picture of the Gwenny.

One of the pleasant surprises about Sheboygan is the Golf. The first time we went to Sheboygan, I played Whistling Straights, that is where they played the PGA Championship last year. This time I was able to play it's sister course Irish. Wow was it fun.

The hole above was an adventure, and that was just getting to the remote tee box, located well back of the fairway. It was a great hole, a par 5 that was really long. I didn't do so well, and that is where I'm going to leave it. Gorgeous golf course.

If you didn't know by now, I love sunrises and sunsets. Each morning I'd wake up around 5am so I could get to the golf course early. One byproduct of being up at that crazy hour is getting to see some great views.

It only took me about 40 pictures or so to get this one. Thank goodness for digital!

We didn't see the sun for too long on this morning, maybe about ten minutes or so, it was overcast and wanted to rain. Luckily it held off until after I finished golfing The Bull. Another great day on vacation.

I had just returned from golfing, this time it was a little foggy, which made the walk on the board walk very cool

Me, Gwen, and Grandma Helen at Bookworm Gardens. One of the local merchants told me about this place, and I'm glad she did. Having an 18 month old makes your choices of places to go totally different and exciting. We would never have gone here before Gwen. There were so many things for Gwen to see, her head was constantly moving, and she had Grandma Helen running all over the place to keep up with her.

They had all types of art displays, and activities for Gwen. Nikki took a lot of great pictures there.
Grandma Helen and Gwen look at some goldfish in the pond. Gwen loved this part of the Garden, and didn't want to leave.

These above two pictures come to us from a little quaint town called Cedarburg. It about half an hour north of Milwaukee. The town is filled with cute little shops, and antique stores. I highly recommend that if you are in the area and have a few hours to stop by. You won't regret it.

That was it from our recent trip to Wisconsin. It was nice to get away for a few days, and relax.

Time to go for now, and until next time, keep that shutter moving.