
Friday, September 13, 2013

Thoren Grymm's Pub Crawl 2013

Hello again everyone,

We told you we were going to try and be better about posting more pictures.  For this entry we are going to stay at the Bristol Renaissance Faire and go on our first ever Pub Crawl.  We know what you are thinking, "You never had an adult beverage at the Faire?"  We may have indulged a little in the past but this is the first time we have gone on Thoren Grymm's Pub Crawl.  We had a great time, it is for adults only because of the jokes.  We were laughing the whole time!  The photos don't do the experience justice, you will have to go and find out for yourself.  We definitely plan on going back.
So sit back, raise a frosty beverage, and enjoy!

"Hey Pub Crawl" --- "Hey What?!"

Sorry just had to slip that one in.  Once you go on the crawl, you'll know what that leads to.  Can't wait till 2014, when we can go again.

That is for now, what do we post from the Bristol Renaissance Faire next?  Stay tuned.

Until next time, keep that shutter moving!

Joe and Nikki

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Dread Crew of Oddwood

Hello again all,

Sorry for the long delay since our last post.  It has been a crazy couple of months.  We are finally getting back to doing regular posts again.  The next couple of entries will be coming from The Bristol Renaissance Faire.  We will be posting some of the various characters from the faire, Barely Balanced, Sirena Sirens, and the Joust.
It is time to have fun again, and we hope you enjoy the photos as much as we do.

The first entry is from the Dread Crew of Oddwood.  A great mix, totally funny, and perfect music for the Ren Faire.  The Dread Crew was one of the highlights of the day.  We were so lucky that one of the few days we were able to get back to the faire, they were there.

Not part of Dread Crew of Oddwood, but a good sight to see at Bristol!  

So that ends the first of our many entries from Bristol 2013.  Joe alone took over 300 pictures of the Dread Crew of Oddwood, it was hard to get them down to this select few.  

We might sneak a few in from last year, that might be a little interesting.  

We had a great time following them around to the different stages this year.  Their new album, Heavy Mahogany is awesome! Check it out on their website listed above.

That is it for the first of many entries coming.  We are gonna have fun again, and we hope you come along for the ride.

Time to go for now, and until next time keep that shutter moving!

Joe and Nikki Walsh

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Back Country Roads at the Hilton Oak Lawn 2.22.13

Hello again everyone,

We know it has been a long time since our last entry, but we promise to get to adding some more stuff really soon.  Our latest entry comes from The Oak Lawn Hilton's Relay for Life kick off featuring Back Country Roads.  They were awesome!  I tried to take some fun pictures, because I had never done concert photos before.  Enjoy!

That is it for now.  We can't wait till March 8th, because we are going to see them again at Bourbon Street.  We've never been there before.  Seeing BCR will be a lot a fun.

Until next time, keep that shutter moving, 

Joe and Nikki Walsh